Polymer 3 boilerplate

Mayank Bhalotkar
1 min readMar 29, 2021

Recently, I have started working on a polymer 3 framework for one of my projects. To start my project I have been looking for a well-configured boilerplate on the internet.

There are many polymer boilerplates available in the market but looks like they all are out-dated or many of them are on old versions. So, I decided to create my own boilerplate for polymer along with all basic config which every developer requires at the starting of their projects.

A few months back I have created a polymer boilerplate along with the following features:

  1. Polymer 3
  2. Lit Elements
  3. Redux
  4. Webpack 4

and I have published it on npm as well. Below is the link for boilerplate

or you can download it using the following commands:

npx polymer-3-boilerplate
cd polymer-3-boilerplate
npm install
npm start

Cheers Happy Coding !!!

